To make this component work you must follow these steps:
  1. Add a Page trigger and select Page load
  2. Select the Loader 2 [Hide] animation inside When page finishes loading
  3. Position loader2_component inside page-wrapper
  4. Set loader2_component position to fixed and display to none
Sometimes there may be a bug where the website briefly flashes before the loader is displayed. To avoid this add the following custom code in your Site settings > Custom Code > Head code
 .preloader {
   display: flex;

Our galgos

Adopting a galgo is an excellent decision, but it must be a well-considered and responsible decision. A galgo is not a stuffed animal. It can live for many years and you should be aware that your commitment has to last the whole of the animal’s life.


Contact us about one of survivors

Adopt a survivor

Adopting a galgo is an excellent decision, but it must be a well-considered and responsible decision. A galgo is not a stuffed animal. It can live for many years and you should be aware that your commitment has to last the whole of the animal’s life.You should also bear in mind that, as with any pet, owning a galgo entails a series of financial responsibilities and dedication on your part.

If you decide to adopt or host a galgo you will have our support. We conduct a preliminary interview, give advice and provide continued support to the adopter during the pre-adoption period, helping you with all the means at our disposal to deal with any adoption problems that may arise.

If you don't think you can adopt right now, consider supporting us in other ways.

Galgos love company and therefore make ideal companions. They tend to be rather lazy and are generally more than happy to curl up somewhere cosy at home. In common with other dogs, they do not like to be on their own.

Galgos run very fast and have excellent eyesight, so it’s advisable always to have them on a lead when you’re out walking them.

The galgo shopping list
A few things to keep in mind:

  • A wide strap with a strong hook
  • A special galgo collar bearingr an identification plate
  • A recipient for food and another for water
  • A rubber brush for hair
  • A coat for use in cold or rainy weather
  • A bed: a small quilt is ideal as galgos like to make a nest

We hope that the content of this section will explode a few of the myths about galgos as pets and that you may consider offering one of our galgos a permanent home. Please feel free to call in at our centre if you have any doubts and are trying to make up your mind.

Visit our center and decide for yourself.